I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, and I love it. My wife Bhritney is from California, and she doesn’t really understand the “cloudy” mood around here. So every February or so, she forces us to take trips to sunny places. (I don’t mind.) Together we are raising our three children: Atticus, Scout, and Athen.

The thing that drives me is creativity. Whether it’s in preaching the gospel, teaching the Way of Jesus, storytelling, film making, music, or writing, the process of creating something from scratch is intoxicating to me.

Perhaps the best kind of creativity is that which brings glory to God. So I love formation of disciples, in the church and outside, in my family and in my friends. I am passionate about raising up disciples who live in the Way of Jesus.

I am an Elder and the director of preaching and vision at Mountlake Church in Mountlake Terrace, Washington—a large, growing church located in the suburbs of Seattle. My preaching focuses on speaking directly to a post-Christian culture that lacks the traditional framework for faith in Christ. Thus, I like to focus on worldview formation, shaping the heart to love Jesus, expounding the Scriptures, proclaiming the power of God, and teaching how to abide in the Spirit.

A musician and filmmaker, my work has been seen on Netflix and Amazon Prime, as well as on TBN. I holds a Masters in Applied Biblical Leadership from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.

That’s enough about me for now, I think. My heart is to see you, your family, and your city renewed in the power of Jesus, and that you’d find your place in the epic story of God. Get in touch.